We will introduce the history of Seto ware, how to handle yaki, decorative techniques, etc.
History history
Introducing the history of Seto -yaki, which has a history and tradition so that the word "sautomo", which refers to ceramics in Japan, can be used.
Traditional Crafts Traditional crafts
We will introduce traditional crafts that have been used, useful, and have been used in various forms in our lives.
How to USE How to use the yakimono
Introducing how to handle yakimono, the name of the vessel, and usage.
Ornamental Techniques About decorative techniques
Decorations are typical of painting, but there are various other techniques, such as carving, pasting, and changing the shape and glaze.
Glazes for Seto Ware Seto -yaki glaze
For more than a thousand years, Seto ware has been making yakimono that makes full use of various glaze. Among them, we will introduce typical glaze.
Seto Novelty Setonovelty
Introducing "Setonovelty", a variety of lineups that have been highly evaluated overseas with elaborate modeling and delicate paintings.